Real World
PDR Courses

Real World PDR was designed to be a collection of courses and videos to help you become the best PDR Professional you can be. 

We cover everything from choosing the right lighting setup (and how to use it) to repairing even the most complicated dents and provide practice advice to help you run your shop. All this set in Real World environments and not staged dents under perfect conditions. 

Start Your Career... Affordably

A Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. This isn’t just a step, but a leap into your PDR career, several videos covering everything from your first day, to the repair of your first dent. We are told by students this is the best they’ve ever seen the basics explained.

All Of Our Best Content, Updated Monthly

Everything you could need to gain the knowledge to jumpstart your PDR career. Beginner to “super advanced” near impossible repairs covered here. Only 65 bucks gets you access to every one of our lessons including our newest and best content.

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